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Writing on Computer

Behind the Scenes

We know that some people, even those with children of their own, are not comfortable working with other people's children or being in charge of small herds of young people. That's ok! There are many ways you can help support R.E. behind the scenes!


We always need people who are just willing to talk about R.E. and let others know what we're up to! That might involve running a table at an event, sharing our media, or helping folks find the information they need!

Social Media

Administrators and Moderators on social platforms serve a crucial role in monitoring our online presence and making sure our pages are safe! Content creators are also welcome here for events, fun posts to keep engagement, as well as our blog and newsletter!


Paperwork is a crucial part of running a healthy program. We track attendance to monitor our growth. We have a budget we work with. Reports go out to other groups in our community. It's a boring job, but someone's got to do it! But, many hands make light work!

Fill out a volunteer form by following the button below and let us know how you'd like to help!

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